Sunday, January 27, 2008

Relatively Silent ( A Memorial To Someone)

Rowdiness derailed.
Silence falls like snow,
Blankets everything, freedom and passion.

Choppy sea of a rebel's heart,
Is invisible.
What seen is deceptive and misleading.

Tranquility is relative.
There's no absolute silence,
Because noise of oration is relative.

Let's the snow fall!
Let's the wobbling mind calm!
Let's bury and silent the rebel!

Voiceless is not silence.
Void is not hollow.

He'll be back.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


"Love can be unconditional but not happiness."

The day I took revenge, everything was as normal as ever.

I stared upwards. The sun was on the edge of the building in front of me, the diffraction pattern of the sunlight was glorious. It was 4pm. Humid but there was light breeze caressing my face. I just liked this.

I passed by here every evening since I moved here 2 years ago. Of course many things had happened and many irreversible changes had been made, but life went on. This evening, everything was normal except the diffraction pattern of the sunlight was slightly different.

That’s why I lifted my head and gazed upwards, something must be wrong with the masterpiece of God I never believed in.

A figure was standing at the edge of the top of the building. He/she was wearing a black t-shirt with a faded jeans.

I lifted my hand to cover my eyes from the ferocious evening sunlight, trying to focus on what I saw. Was that figure smiling? Was that figure whining? I was not sure but he/she definitely drew a lot of people here. The crowds were doing exactly what I did, also trying to know what had happened.

My eyes were sore and dry, I thought everyone here had exactly the same problem. What on earth was she doing?

Suddenly, everyone drew a deep breath, that figure had moved forward, now with one leg dangling at the edge of the building. The figure moved forward, slowly as if there were an invisible path on the air.

Now, everyone stopped their chattering, they just watched. I watched too but I was distracted by an irritating mosquito. I turned away, trying to find that mosquito that gave me an itchy back. Then, I saw. Stunned, dumbfounded, terrified and frozen expressions from all the people around me.

Trying to make sense what had happened, I turned to the direction everyone was pointing. That figure was now airborne, falling like a piece of broken brunch. Distant sirens were approaching.

Thud!!! A light thud woke up everyone. All hell broke loose, some people were scurrying away from that woman, who was now lying motionlessly on the ground. Some people were screaming, some were resuming their chattering, but most of them just stood there, petrified perhaps.

The blood was oozing out from his mouth, while other pedestrians swiftly shifted their gaze away, I stared intently into it. I know who had previously owned that body. It’s me. I was dead, on spot, with no pain and glee felt.


So, I was finally dead. I looked at me, somberly, tears were welling in my eyes. But was I sore? I felt no pain and no emotion. For so long time, I had wanted to kill myself, in front of my own eyes. Ever since I knew I couldn’t love, my heart was growing weaker and my mind was growing wicker everyday. Every morning when I stared into the mirror, I could see some dark spots had gradually protruded from my temple. I understood it was a sign of wickedness.

I once loved somebody madly, if not unconditionally. I killed myself because of her and buried myself under layers of guilt. Then I emerged as a new-born child. I could no longer remember who was my old self and neither could I recognize my new self.

After embracing the ambiguous and the ubiquitous identity, I brought myself to love that person. Trying to give her everything, I had killed myself several times. Afraid of being unearthed, each time, I buried myself at the different places.

Did I say prayer to myself when I murdered myself brutally? I didn’t think so. How did I kill myself first time? Was it hanging myself in a church, hoping myself could be reincarnated in the church and be blessed forever?

Nonono, that was the second time right? Oh ya, I swallowed potassium cyanide the very last time I killed myself. Why cyanide? Maybe that’s the most painless way to die, I had been gone through a lot, I couldn’t imagine if death also came in agony and piercing pain.

However, every time I committed suicide, I was always alone. There were no witnesses, no shouting, no scrambling, no prayers. Therefore this time, I chose to die in front of the crowd, hoping that person was there.

And I was right. That person was there, smoking cigarettes graciously. I approached and confronted that person. I could sense that the person was not intimidated at all. That person looked at me in my eyes and uttered nothing. Then, that person just walked away with no qualms and guilt.

Maybe that person was right. Love perhaps was unconditional but happiness was not. The day I took revenge, I should have thought about it carefully. Now the corpse was just beside me, but I was not amused, no sense of triumph at all. What were all these revenge plans?

I killed myself for what? For that person? How naïve I was!!! I drew a deep breath, trying to make sense of everything. I was too befuddled to think, maybe all I needed was a heavy downpour to rinse my new self.

And the rain did come.

Soon after that person left, there’s a heavy downpour followed by melancholic drizzle. The corpse was not there anymore, blood was there. That person was not here anymore, scent was still there, memory still intact. Watching the blood being washed away by the drizzle, another suicide plan formed in my mind.

This time, I killed myself for nobody.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


My first mandarin post. Sigh, it's not as good as what i've anticipated but I still hope you all can enjoy it. For readers who can't read chinese, I'm so sorry because I can't offer you any translation and normally translation spoils the essence. Again, I'm sorry.



缓缓摇动的巴士,恍恍惚惚的心情,真是一个百感交集的一天。不爱花费太多时间的我,渐渐地有些性急了,为何还未看见那熟悉的巷口? 可能离家太旧的我以被城市的急性子感染了,但是事实是这样的吗? 我前头那顶着一头银丝的老伯,难道他不着急吗? 我自问。我身旁的人,都不赶时间吗?


莫非我是在盼望着上次拥抱遗留下的遗温? 上次? 多么可笑的念头!父母双亡的我,没有享受遗温的优待,只有遗忘的痛苦在肠子里荡气回肠。纵然外婆一手养大我,归属感终究不在。难道我的心胸如此狭窄,竟然连爱都无法容下?

看着那些路边的荒野,成群结队的野狗仿佛都在笑我无情。多么恐怖的念头啊! 然而,我井然就是个不孝‘孙’ ,要不然为何连个电话也没拨回? 回想中学时代作文里常见的开场白的那句‘爱如浮云’ ,本以为天真的想法到了大城市注定要被淘汰的,哪懂得反而加深了对爱得偏见。




所以阔别多年的重逢并没想象中的催泪,也没有传说里的大圆满。唐突的问候、危险的试探、小心的观察,结论还是一样地让人不寒而栗。在那假惺惺的寒暄下,不是过去天真的糖衣,而是挥之不散的假面具。‘一朝君子一朝臣’ ,‘沧海桑田’ ,恐怕没有什么更令我吃惊了。

我有看错吗? 还是脑袋里的盲点在作祟? 有些东西都没变,老套一点,或许是我变了。简单的装扮、含糊的咬字、红色的肩带,都没变! 我开始回忆这你的体香,那温柔的灯光,滚烫的双臂…… 天哪!这一切还真吓人!



家,试问何处有寒舍? 试问和处冷暖在? 无情的摧残、恶毒的推手、是非颠倒、春夏秋冬、喜怒哀乐、家、家,家……




